The Penland Cabin

The Penland Cabin
Summer, 2005

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Long-overdue First First Friday Blog!

Happy New Year! Who knows if this will work or not, but the idea is to have a central cyber-place to go to that is kind of like Woolson House. I'll get a picture of Woolson and put it at the top of the page, and we'll all know where we are. Between Lezlie Laws and myself, First Friday has existed a long time. Close to 20 years? Not bad for a little group with no formal membership, no dues, nothing formal going for it except, as they say at church, fellowship and, as they don't say at church, tons of writing!

Have you noticed that a lot of entities, not only around town but around the English speaking world, are called "First Friday"?! And I think Seminole CC in Sanford has a "Second Tuesday," founded by our friend Stephen Caldwell Wright and quite possibly being continued now by former First Friday-er Professor Ginger Magarine. Well, have you noticed that the hub of the literary world in Central Florida, the Scribbles newsletter, was invented and founded by hyper-energetic ubiquitous former First Friday-er Darlyn Finch -- I think it was an idea that was really born at First Friday. And do you recall that Poetic Logic on WMFE public radio (before being we hope temporarily halted this year) was hosted by two consecutive long-time First Friday-ers, radio man Ron Cross and the wondrous poet Sara Schlossman? Do you know that Infusion Tea, Naomi Butterfield and Urban Think Bookstore, separately and together, those fabulous Orlando literary scenes, trace to First Friday, and that the new vibrations out of the Kerouac Project trace to Darlyn and Brad Kuhn?

We don't want to overstate First Friday's quiet influence on the writing world in the region, and it is amazing to think of really, if you go to one of our FF sessions and see how pleasantly low key and unpresupposing it all is, the broken down couches, the bust of Shakespeare on the mantel, the dim energy saving lighting, the random seating arrangement, never any refreshments! -- completely informal and friendly, safe for our bad poetry and celebratious of our good stuff and our submission victories. Very low key -- yet it makes real literary thunder. Next thing you know, an important Poet Laureate of the United States LIVES HERE!

What could this blog be used for? I've had a few ideas, since I started writing my own, "Long Pine Limited."

  1. We could use this location for posting the next First Friday, so you don't have to come over to Rollins, park, walk up the sidewalk, look in the window, and see the place is dark. I'll spread the word as usual, through Scribbles and our mailing list and the mysterious Brian Vogel, but I'll also post it here. You should be able to see it in the sidebar right now.

  2. You could post a poem if you want to.

  3. And you could comment on a person's poem if you want.

  4. You could come on here and post a victory (a publication!).

  5. You could come on here and ask questions (someone would try to answer, I'm sure -- you know how we are!).

  6. You've got other ideas for how this could be used. Type it as a comment!

  7. You could just wave hi.
We don't want to make it too formal. The informality and relaxed nature of FF is its hallmark, I hope, but sometimes after a meeting there might be comments, or someone may look up something and follow-up on a discussion. If you miss a night, you might be able to find out here what went on if you're curious. I won't try now to stipulate that we stay positive and try to replicate the mood of our Woolson House get-togethers -- you are the ones who make it what it is there, and who will make this an extension of that. Use your own email connections for your private connections, and let this be an extension of our First Friday community!



  1. I proudly tell the world that First Friday has had a major impact on my writing life, as have Phil Deaver and Lezlie Laws. It is a cultural treasure for Central Florida.

    By its very nature, low-key, easy-going, it takes the stress out of being critiqued. And we learn as much from critiquing the work of others as we do from having our own work critiqued.

    And the friends we have made in that room! People who "get" us. People who laugh with us, cry with us, celebrate and mourn with us. People who give us the courage to try again another day.

    Long live First Friday!

  2. Phil

    What a great idea! As they used to say on Death Valley Days, "Wagons Ho".


  3. As the last hours of 2008 slide into the dark I am focusing on the new year of 09. Many things are in my vision but think some of you may find of interest, as I have, the works and life of Elizabeth Alexander who will deliver a poem --no one knows if it will be about Obama or for change or for Yes, we can, or whatever at the inauguration of our 44th president! While we wait and see or rather listen on that Tuesday bound to be in the history books, you may find her work and life intriguing as presented at her website:

    She remarks that Gwendolyn Brooks has been her model. In addition to reading her poem at the Inaugural ceremonies, she is preparing to be head of the Department of African-American Studies at Yale later in the year. Currently she is on the faculty teaching about culture. I would not be surprised to know that poetic words find their way into her teaching. Her poem: I Believe strikes strong chords within me. Good by now to 2008 with hopes the life of 2009's light shines brightly on all our lives.

    BTW I have two Google blogs that are works in progress and will lead into several books I hope and believe: and I invite you to visit and sign on for updates which I expect will be many in the new year.

  4. what a great way to start on Hogmanay!we can't possibly anticipate what wonderful things will come from this.
