The Penland Cabin

The Penland Cabin
Summer, 2005

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Walking People

This is perhaps too early to send out, but I will send a reminder when this book gets released (May 20).  The Walking People is the debut novel of Mary Beth Keane, formerly the assistant of agent Chris Calhoun at Sterling Lord Literistic (Chris is Billy's book agent and best friend).  I am almost finished reading the advance copy and I have to say I am blown away by the brilliance of the writing, sentence by sentence, word by word, and by the storytelling ability possessed by this young writer.  (She's in her thirties.)

I wanted to paste some reviews below, but darn that Amazon and their code that won't allow it.  Instead, you can go here to the Amazon page and read about it. 

 The Walking People is a book I know I will open from time to time just to read a paragraph or two for reminders of how great writing works.  Keane's use of even the simplest detail is not without purpose; every word in this novel works.  

Monday, January 5, 2009

Phil --

Thanks to you, I now have a foothold in the 21st century. I wanted to be a "follower" of your new blog, so I learned how to become a blogger myself.

Pretty soon we'll all be selling each other insurance!



Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow, the blog is hoppin'. Thanks to those who weighed in. Tell our fellow FFers who might not have noticed yet. Let's keep going with this in our great new year, '09. The economy sucks, good time to do some writing and reading. The price is right!

Happy New Year.