The Penland Cabin

The Penland Cabin
Summer, 2005

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Friday on Feb. 6 -- YESSSSSSS!

See you Friday night, Feb. 6, for our first FF meeting of the new dawn! I mean, the new year!

Also, don't forget Winter with the Writers! Please drop by on TONIGHT! at 8PM in the Tiedtke for Derek Walcott, Nobel Prize-winning poet. Come early and enjoy yourself.


1 comment:

  1. The FFF (FirstFristFriday) of 2009 was marvelous! Where was everybody? If it makes the pre-viewing by the Godfather of FF.. (there must be a "nah!" button) ..below is what I read as my comeback offering. He did say something about posting it here! Just know this was the slumdog of what was read! If you like that famous poet, Dr. Suess, you'll get through it.

    The Announcement

    Oh no! What's this mean?
    Is it speaking to me?
    Shall I choose sleepless nights
    drinking hot cups of tea?

    Did I say that correctly?
    Is it 'CUPS of HOT tea'?
    Oh why am I bringing
    this horror to me?

    First Friday's for great writers
    of epics ~ flash fiction!
    Oh NO, nothing rhymes now
    but Donder and Blitzen!

    To start tossing and turning
    again in my bed..
    to compose again, CRAZY!,
    and then have it read?

    But, topics as nightmares
    began that first night
    and woke me with images
    in words I could write.

    Most were gone by the morning
    but the damage was done.
    I WILL bring in something;
    the race must be run.

    I'll climb up that mountain;
    I'll dig myself in..'cuz
    First Friday, that torture
    is resuming again!

    I'll make all the copies..
    I'll have something to tell,
    and bring it to Woolson
    and to Phil with one 'L'.

    Susan Reel
    the FF morning of Feb. 6
