The Penland Cabin

The Penland Cabin
Summer, 2005

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

First Friday will meet April 5, same time, same bat cave

Greetings all.  First Friday will meet this coming Friday in Woolson House.  We start at 6:30 and work ourselves to exhaustion.  Just kidding.  We start at 6:30 and have been known to go until 11, but usually it's a little after 10 when we break.  Of course, you can come and go whenever you want, though if you bring something to share with us it's polite to hang around a while and participate in discussions with some other people's work.  Safe to say attendance averages 12 to 15 people, though we have a total membership (I use the word loosely) of upwards of 40.  It is optional, but do consider bringing copies (15 is a safe number) because some people need to see the words on the page (writers, you know) while others prefer to hear the music of the words spoken by the author.  Anyway, see you soon.
