The Penland Cabin

The Penland Cabin
Summer, 2005

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec. 3, Woolson House on the Rollins campus, 6:30 PM

Here's official notice, yes there will be First Friday on Dec. 3 at 6:30 in Woolson House on the Rollins campus. Sorry for the last minute change last month. Promise I won't do that this month. All best and see you soon.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Change of Plan for Friday 11/12/10 -- Kerouac House!! 8 PM !! See below for Details

Friends, I can't resist doing this. I'm pasting the announcement for the event Friday night at the Kerouac House. We will not meet at Woolson House at 6:30, but instead will join the celebration at the Kerouac House after the successful residency of the New York writer Mona Washington, who will do a final event.

I know it is listed as a fundraiser, and that they ask you to bring something. If you can, it's good, but don't let that stuff chase you off. First Friday and the Kerouac Project are very close in spirit with many of the same members. If you haven't been there, come on over at 8 Friday night.

Sorry for the late notice.

See below for details on the Kerouac House event.


Kerouac Friends and Faithful-
Please join us for this special Kerouac House Event.
Current Resident, Mona R. Washington bids farewell with an "Orlando premier" of a scene from her original play, "Woolite". The dramatic reading will be directed by John DiDonna featuring actors Dennis Neal and Val Gamble.

Synopsis: What happens when a wife's biggest fear (about her husband's fidelity) doesn't even come close to the reality?
Friday, 11/12/10 at 8 PM (doors open)
Program Starts at 8:30 PM
Q&A and Reception Follows
1418 Clouser Ave., Orlando, FL 32804
As always, donations are appreciated.
For a fundraiser this evening, we will have a selection of handcrafted bracelets by Ilyse Kusnetz available for a donation of $20. These make lovely gifts and all donations directly support the Kerouac Project programs. Thanks Ilyse!
We hope to see you Friday.
Please park on Shady Lane. Bring a snack to share!
The Kerouac Project

Monday, November 1, 2010

First Friday this month will be on Nov. 12 (second Friday)

First Friday this month will be not on the First Friday but on the second Friday of November. Spread the word, and see you then.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yes, First Friday on Oct. 1 -- At last!!!!!

We will have First Friday this coming Friday. We usually have no more that 20 at the meetings, often more like 15. If you're bringing poems, try to bring copies for us. If you're bringing prose and it's more than a couple of pages, don't bother to make copies, just come and read to us. Remember that, prose or poetry, we try to hold the time to 10 minutes per person, give or take -- mostly give, but prose writers sometimes have to choose between reading the whole thing and then getting no comments or reading for a few minutes so there's enough time in ten minutes to have the group give a good discussion and feedback.

The meeting starts at 6:30. If the group is fairly big, we're pretty strict on the time per person. If the group is little, we completely lose control of the time and the meeting usually goes just as long as if there was a big group. Because that's how we roll! See you soon.

Friday, August 6, 2010

First Friday Tonight, August Sixth

yes, let's try to have FF tonight, same time, same place. sorry for the late notice. it's been a wild summer.

Friday, July 9, 2010

No First Friday for today July 9

We'll shoot for August. Hope the summer's going well.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just a note from Ubud, Bali

Hello from Indonesia. Word comes that Gracie died yesterday, a very painful thing for me. I can't believe I won't see her again. She was a great one, and she taught me much. We've all had loss and so you know when the doggy dies it seems to all come back. She was a beauty, I'll tell you that.

There will be First Friday in June. I'll be there if I can but it's a long flight. Kathryn will be there if I'm not. I might even get there late. Stay tuned and be sure to check this site before you drive over. Best, Phil

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Friday WILL Meet, 6:30 PM, May 7, Woolson House

First Friday will meet for May. Same time, same place.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Friday is OFF for April

Owing to the convergence of Good Friday and First Friday, we will not meet this month. See you in May! It is National Poetry Month, however, so keep your eye on Scribbles and Mad About Words bulletins for events all around the town.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

First Friday is ON for the First Friday of March

Friday, March 5, 2010: First Friday meets in Woolson House, starting at 6:30 PM and running as long as it takes to enjoy the work of everyone who wants to share it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First Friday is OFF for February

First Friday will not meet this month. Mysterious forces at work! See you on the First Friday of March!